Achievements - Presentations

Doctor of Education, Leadership PK-20: Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas. Dissertation Title: The Effects of Explicit and Systematic Phonemic Awareness Instruction on Reading for English Language Learners
Educational Specialist, Leadership: Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas
Certification: PK-20 District Level Leadership, Superintendent’s License
Teaching Certificate Endorsement: English as a Second Language; Arkansas Tech and Arkansas Department of Education Partnership
Master of Education, Leadership: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Bachelor of Science, Education: University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
2023 Innovation Rally "Empowering Students in the Classroom" Rogers, AR
2022 Office of Innovation Annual Conference, “Shifting the Culture for Learner Agency”
2018 Office of Innovation Annual Conference, “Innovate but How?”
2018 Northwest Arkansas Innovation Summit, “Create Systems of Innovative Practices”
2013 Conference Presentations/National PTA “Common Core 101, Introduction to Literacy 2013 and Math Standards” Tampa, FL, Boston, MA, San Diageo, CA, Little Rock, AR
2012 Arkansas School Board State Conference, “Common Core 101, State Standards”
2012 Champions for Kids Conference, Children of Poverty

Publication Contributions
2017 Solution Tree Publication, Audit and Review of Educational Text
National School Board “Common Core for the Not so Common Learner,” Grades K-5: English language arts strategies, Honigsfeld, A., Dove, M. (2014).
Corwin Press. Article Title; “Increasing Student Engagement by Creating the Sense of Urgency Needed for Change”